About Panlora: Laura McDonnold

Panlora is a nickname given to me many years ago when I worked as a ad designer for a small rural newspaper. The saleswoman commented one day that she loved bringing me ads because I had a Pandora's box of ideas for the ads. Since my first name is Laura, it did not take long for the nickname of Panlora to stick.

I have always been artistic and painted my first identifiable picture at the age of 1 year old. It was a frog (a "fog" in baby talk...LOL) and I believe my mother still has it somewhere. I have always had a love of miniatures and when my brother and I were young we used to build houses and forts for our smurf and snorks figures in the back yard using only sticks, rocks, and things we found.

Recently this has carried over into my adult life as I have started to build what I call "recycled fairy houses". I was entranced by everything fantasy, mythical, and whimsical when I was young and never lost the love for it, so most of my art or crafts have that feel.

My name is Laura McDonnold. I am currently living in Omaha, Nebraska with my fiance, my daughter, 2 dogs, 2 cats, and a small house filled to the brim of projects and supplies.

 This is Rose, one of my photo manipulation pieces. I love Photoshop and this is one of my favorites.

The goblin below is the one I made for my daughter, Raven.

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