Fairies & Fairy Houses

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Fairy Doll House Miniature 

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Fairy Doll House Miniature
Fairy Doll House Miniature
Fairy Doll House Miniature
Fairy Doll House Miniature
Fairy Doll House Miniature

Price $100.00

The Fairy Moon Bed & Breakfast is a recycled, vintage bird house which the artist has completely refurbished herself & is currently her favorite piece of work. Each piece is completely hand crafted & one of a kind. Unique pieces include: Victorian era lace garnered from a damaged antique blouse, vintage jewelry pieces & beads (Long ago the rose pendant was a gift from the artist’s grandmother. The vintage beads were a rummage sale find., discontinued designer papers, and other odds & ends discovered by chance ~ such as a piece of colored glass broken in the shape of a moon or suitable for a table top, a large heart shaped honeysuckle pod, &  various other wonderful materials harvested from nature.


Little Charlette is an adorable,  delightful pixie. It is impossible not to be cheerful around her. She carries an ambiance of joyfulness. She spreads happiness everywhere she goes, but she needs someone to love & protect her. Bringing her into your home will bring pleasant tranquility. She is less than 2 niches long and comes with the globe and stand pictured.

Fairy art doll miniature
fairy art doll miniature
fiary art doll miniature

Price $35.00


Teeny Rosy is a sweet woodland pixie who is considered by most woodland creatures to be the best friend anyone could ask for. She often frees trapped critters & helps eggs hatch. Her birdy friend watches over her as she takes a rest from her good deeds. She is just over a inch long.

Price $25.00

fairy art doll miniature


Adorable Fire Pixie. About 5 inches tall. (with hair)

fairy art doll miniature


Little Topsy is quite a character, as you might have guessed. He is a very immodest, fearless sprite. He is all male and likes everyone to know it. He is afraid of nothing & is often too bold. He is, of course, a brazen flirt. Topsy will bring boldness & zeal to his new home. He features a very long top knot and is anatomically correct! Topsy is about 1 inch long. He comes in the pictured floral globe.

fairy art doll miniature
fairy art doll miniature

Price: $25.00


Kindler is a playful, boisterous fire-cat sprite. Mostly he flitters, dances, & disappears on a whim. Obviously his favors sleeping in the tinderbox or kindling. Even during a catnap he will bring a positive, exuberant atmosphere to his new home. He is about 3 inches long. He comes with the display shown.

fairy art doll miniature
fairy art doll miniature

Price: $30.00

Chrysalis is a breathtakingly beautiful, newly hatched fairy, who will undoubtedly grow to be the greatest beauty in all the woods. Her nanny bird watches over her protectively as she slumbers. Her new home will be graced with peace, patience, & timeless beauty. She is one inch long. for a closer look.

Price $25.00 

fairy art doll miniature


Tiny Lochlan is a cheery, frisky sprite full of laughter & mischief. Even while he sleeps you can see the joyfulness in his face. He has worn himself out flittering & zipping playing with his woodland friends. He has made soft bed out of cottonwood fluff & a nut shell. He comes in the globe seen.

About 1 inches.

Price $25

fairy art doll miniature


Teeny, tiny Minny is an absolutely mischievous, enchanting sprite princess. She is newly hatched & very untamed. Even as she slumbers the joy of life graces her face. It seems she might be dreaming of flying. Bringing her into your home will bring curiosity & hastiness. Minny is ONLY 1/5 long! She is so tiny the camera doesn't wan to focus on her. She comes with the beautiful display seen.

fairy art doll miniature

 Price $35.00


Little Flavian is a lively, jovial faun full of laughter & mischief. Even while he sleeps you can see the joyfulness in his face. He has frolicked & played with his woodland friends until he was all tuckered out. He has found a soft honey suckle pod to make his bed. He is about 2.25 inches long. He comes with a different globe than the one pictured.

Price: $35.00

fairy art doll miniature
fairy art doll miniature


Dandy is short for Dandelion, so named for his dandelion fluff hair. Dandy is a good natured, laid back, little fella. He likes to leisurely flutter above dandelion fields in the morning & snooze away the hot summer afternoons. He brings with him the peace & tranquility of an idle summer day. He is one of the larger figures at over 2 inches long. He comes in the lovely display.

fairy art doll miniature

Price: $35.00


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